Celebs Give Back


Join TV and Radio Host Leeza Gibbons and former television producer Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson at the Resort at Pelican Hill on Monday May 3rd for a Mother's Day luncheon benefitting ACT Today! (autism care and treatment) and Leeza's Place.

To purchase tickets: www.act-today.org

Special thanks to Mary Ann Halpin Photographer and Sabrina Neas.

Ricky Martin Foundation/Habitat for Humanity Haiti Recovery Fund (RMFHaiti)

Ricky Martin traveled to Port-auPrince on January 19 with Habitat for Humanity International's cheif executive officer, Jonathan Reckford. 

Martin was so moved by the massive destruction caused by the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti that he quickly traveled there to help. 

"Children and families impacted by this disaster will need long-term help restoring thier lives-in every sense of the word," said Martin. "Every family is a family in need. I'm asking each of you to think about the future of the children." 

To find out more how you can help, go to: habitat.org


Bill Clinton, Will.I.Am, Susan Sarandon, Bill Gates, Mary J. Blige and Samuel L. Jackson are just some of the celebrities lending their support to a massively cool new initiative called MASSIVEGOOD fighting against HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and to improve maternal and child health care in developing worlds. And you can help too by clicking onto to MASSIVEGOOD.com when booking your next airline ticket, reserve a hotel room or rent a car! 


When purchasing your ticket, hotel or car at MASSIVEGOOD, two dollars will be donated to the cause. How easy is that? Pretty great considering how much traveling we all do!Former US president Bill Clinton was the first to log on and said, “We may be in the process of seeing a massive redistribution of responsibility across the globe, where ordinary people who get on airplanes say, ‘OK, we’ll buy the medicine,’ and let the public funds be used to build out the health systems. This could save millions and millions of lives. This is really a way of empowering ordinary people around the world and using technology for the public good.” 

MASSIVEGOOD uses the power of social media and is committed to building a healthier world. Next time we travel, let's help make a difference too! 

 • Malaria kills 1 child every 30 seconds - $2 can treat 2 children against malaria 
 • Tuberculosis kills 1 person every 15 seconds - $24 can cure 1 adult of TB 
 • HIV/AIDS kills 1 person every 13 seconds – $50 can treat 1 child for a year

Emile Hirsch appeared on Real Time With Bill Maher this weekend to alk about his experience climbing Mount Kilimanjaro (19,341 ft) to raise awareness of the global clean water crisis. Hirsch drove home the fact that a third of the world's population doesn't have access to clean drinking water. The group of activists included actress Jessica Biel (sans Justin Timberlake), Isabel Lucas, musicians Lupe Fiasco and Kenna, who were all involved in the making of the MTV Documentary - Summit on the Summit. Grammy winner Kenna dedicated his climb to his father, who as a child in Ethiopia lost his brother, and much of his family to water borne diseases. According to Kenna a billion people in the world, still don't have clean water.

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